About Us
We love Worship It’s alining our lives to the reality of God
We are Relational Loving others like God loves us.
We are Generous It’s expressing God’s goodness through our resources.
We Serve It’s living a life that leaves an impact.
We are Missional We are constantly seeking for our God’s purpose in our lives through service to others..
We believe in GOD—the maker and sustainer of all things, who created us for relationship with Him. That relationship was broken because of SIN. Sin brought death into the world—death in our physical bodies and death in our spiritual being. Sin separated us from God and broke our relationships with others. But God sent His son JESUS to become a man, live a perfect life, and offer Himself for our sins. By trusting in Jesus we can become right with God and enter into relationship with Him. We have been gathered into God’s family, the CHURCH, and given a mission to make disciples of Jesus. We live our lives as an act of WORSHIP, seeking to love others like Jesus loves us. We celebrate that through Christ’s sacrificial and substitutionary death we have been granted eternal LIFE and will spend eternity with Him